External hard drive stopped mounting randomly

My HD is about 4 years old and as of yesterday just stopped mounting to my Mac. It shows up in disk utility -

I click “mount” and the name changes but it does not mount…

I have tried to manually mount the disk and all separate volumes in my terminal

Last login: Tue Mar 22 20:07:18 on ttys000
Krysta-Bollingers-MacBook-Pro:~ Krysta$ diskutil mountDisk /dev/disk2
One or more volume(s) failed to mount
Krysta-Bollingers-MacBook-Pro:~ Krysta$ diskutil mount /dev/disk2s1
Volume on disk2s1 failed to mount
If the volume is damaged, try the “readOnly” option
Krysta-Bollingers-MacBook-Pro:~ Krysta$ diskutil mount /dev/disk2s2
Unable to find disk for /dev/disk2s2
Krysta-Bollingers-MacBook-Pro:~ Krysta$ diskutil mount /dev/disk2s3
Volume on disk2s3 failed to mount
If the volume is damaged, try the “readOnly” option
Krysta-Bollingers-MacBook-Pro:~ Krysta$

I also tried using sudo commands yesterday - again - “failed to mount” or “argument invalid”

I am currently deployed and all of my movies for the next 9 months are on this hard drive… I can’t lose a full TB of movies lol!

Can anyone help just recover the movies? Or get the drive to mount?


Have you tried using a data recovery software to see if you can get the data? If not, please try that.

Also, you can try using the drive on a different system.