Experiences with Windows system recovery from MyPassport

I recently switched from a Windows PC to a Mac, and one of the features that I love is Time Machine backup. I purchased a MyPassport for Mac, and using Time Machine with MyPassport seems to be a completely seamless disaster recovery solution. Now I’m looking to create the same kind of thing for my wife, who has a Windows laptop.

It looks like WD Smartware is aimed at providing the same type of functionality. Very low-touch, plug in the external drive every night and the software does the rest. But creating the backups is only half of the whole picture. I’d like to hear from anyone that has had an the unfortunate experience of a complete drive failure, and restored their entire Windows system (applications, settings, data, the whole shebang) to a new drive or machine. 

Anyone willing to share their unhappy experiences with happy outcomes?




Please note that WD Smartware has been designed to backup your files. This software does not support backing up your Software/applications/programs.