My new back up failed to complete with the above error message "because of an I/O device error.
What does this mean please?
Hi GeorgeUTH,
Please try to run the extended diagnostics using the Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows.
Please refer to the link given below in order to download Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows.
Thanks Alex. Just running it now. Takes a while!
Thanks Alex.
The 12 hour Diagnostic programme showed all ok.
I think the problem is my ignorance. I thought I could just plug the drive in and do a back up or system image, but reading the various comments, it may not always be as simple as that and it’s opened up a whole new computer learning thingy for me.
I have my photos and documents backed up on various usb’s etc and thought the external drive would be a good idea for the whole laptop…
Needs a fair bit of research and time from me, which I haven’t got at the moment. There doesn’t seem to be some kind of “■■■■■ sheet” in one place to make it easier for us mere mortals!
The drive shows Back up size 176.22GB, but when I right click in My Computer, the individual files “VAIO” and “SYSTEM IMAGE” show empty, so don’t know if the back up is useful or not.
I don’t want any more help just now. I’ll wait for a “rainy day” period when I’ve got nothing better to do!
Thanks anyway
George Ackinclose