Elements 1TB old hard drive

Hi Everyone
I have an old Elements 1TB external hard drive, around 10 years old.
Can someone please advise where I can get the cable - the round one with pins - from?
MODEL - WD 2500C035
S/N - WCANKJ566347

Please let me know, I can’t get to any of my photos!!! :weary:!)

That’s a 250GB Hard drive not 1TB

If this (picture below) is what you have … the “round one with pins” is the Power Supply.

WD won’t have the part anymore. Two options

  1. Buy an enclosure (that comes with a power supply)… remove the hard drive from the WD enclosure and put it inside the New One. (check the WD hard drive first to see if it’s IDE or SATA before buying a new enclosure)

  2. Or if you just want to see what’s on the hard drive and retrieve the data … remove the hard drive and install it into a Desktop PC