Elements 1tb not showing in windows explorer

I attached a new elements 1tb drive to my pc - running windows 10. I could hear a beep when I plugged in the USB cable and the light in the drive illuminates, but the drive is not listed in Windows Explorer. I also plugged the drive into a different pc (also windows 10) with the same results.

I opened Disk Management and the drive is present and listed as Healthy. I also tested the drive with Lifeguard Diagnostics and it passed.

I thought that maybe the problem is the drive letter but when I right click on the drive description in the lower pane of disk manager all options (except Help) are grayed out. So it seems if I could find another approach to assign a drive number it should work, but I don’t know how to do that.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

This has been a recurring problem with recent Windows. You might search Knowledge Base and see if there is a solution. Also try Microsoft Help. There is a world of information on disk drives.

thanks Clifford, I have tried the Windows sites and the suggestions are things that I already tried. The issue of changing drive numbers etc. and are grayed out, and therefore not accessible, is not addressed in any of the help sites from Windows, including windows 10 forum. It shouldn’t be such a problem to buy an external drive to make some backups, other manufacturers probably have plug and play drives which would eliminate this annoying problem,

i returned the Elements drive for a refund, I don’t need such grief to use an external drive. I bought a Seagate, plugged it in, and everything is perfect. The problem is obvious, WD is not keeping up with the current operating systems.