Elements 107C


My WD Elements doesn’t show up.
I’m running macOS 10.14.6 on my iMac.
The drive shows operation light on, I can see the specifications of the drive in the Apple menu → System overview → USB connections listed as ‘Elements 107C’. However, the HD doesn’t show up in the Finder nor Disc Utitilies. Is the drive damaged or is the cause of failing connection system based?
Might be that the power supply is not the right one, can anybody provide the specifications of the needed power supply for the device. Currently I’ve got it powered up wth a 12V, 900mA adapter. Since the operation light works I guess that it works.

Best regards

Additional info:

If it is a 3.5" hard drive for external. It is require to use 12V and 1.5amps power adapter.

Thank you for reply. I checked the adapter and it is a 1.5 amps adapter. I thought it was 900 mA given the information in my System Overview. So, that shouldn’t be the issue.

And yes, it is a 3.5"…

Can you feel the drive spin up when plug in? Open up the case check of the drive connection is loose from the bridge. If everything check OK, then the drive could be dead.

The drive doesn’t spin up, no… So, lethal case?

You might have to open the case to check internal connections. If it is still under warranty…call WD Support team.

If you used a 900mA power supply on a device that requires 1.5A then that is a BIG issue.

You’ve most likely fried or burnt out the power supply or the hard drive.

I took the hard drive out and placed it in another case. It works!