e200 v2 FW SUGGESTION: Delete song while in ANY "Play All" resumes "Playing All"

e200 v2 Firmware Issue:

Currently, when more then one album is playing, and i delete the current song, it resumes playing only the first album of my “play all” selection rather than returning to my original selection of songs. (except when playing everything “Music/Play All”)

Example: i choose “Music/Genre/Electronic/Play All” and a song that i don’t like comes on so I choose to delete it. rather than continuing to “Play All” “Electronic” genre songs (101 songs), the player resumes playing only the songs from the first album in the “electronic” genre in alphabetical (2 songs from “Afterlame Soundtrack”)

e200 v2 Firmware Suggestion:

Rework the code so that the player resumes playing all songs that were in queue prior to deletion minus the one song that was deleted. The delete function works great if i am playing only one album OR playing all artists, but not when in any other “Play All” (i.e. “Genre/Electronic/Play All”, “Artist/David Grisman/Play All”…)

Message Edited by mammothx on 05-16-2008 04:16 PM

Message Edited by mammothx on 05-16-2008 04:16 PM