Downloading Video from Panasonic AG-HVX200P Camera to a My Passport Drive

This is muddy.  Thanks for giving it a read.

I’ll be traveling to Ukraine in September for 10 days and shooting with my Panasonic AG-HVX200P Camera onto their P2 storage cards (capturing in 1080 60i).  Ideally, I’d like to download each night to a portable drive, like one of the My Passport drives.  

The camera manual indicates my camera would recieve a 1394 4-pin connector.  The My Passport’s appear to receive USB.  After transferring files I’d then plug the My Passport into a Dell Latitude E6520 to confirm files are there.  Lastly, upon returning to the states, I’ll want to transfer the files from the My Passport to my Mac, for editing on Final Cut Pro.  

Has anyone out there done this with success?  

The Camera has a Firewire connector which is very different than USB.

Bare in mind that the Passport drives is manufactured to work connected to your computer and other devices that have an USB connection.

Your best bet will be to confirm with the camera manufacturer if the camera will support the drive and its capacity.

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Thanks for the insight John.  Panasonic says basically to get hold of a portable drive and try it - not very definitive in their response so I’ve thrown it out there on some other blogs.  Will reply again once it’s been vetted out.