I just bought a WD My Cloud, but I was disappointed to find out that it’s WD Sync software, when a file is modified uploads the whole file, instead of just the changes made to it. This is especially important when working with larger files, and I work with large files on a daily basis (I’m sure a lot of other WD customers too). Without this feature my WD drive is practically useless. The second disappointment came when I discovered that i can’t install BitTorrent Sync (a service which has delta syncing implemented) and saw that it’s reserved only for the more expensive NAS drives.
I also found lots of other issues with the software - problems connecting with the drive, not syncing when there are new files added to the synced folders etc. I guess these are issues which are usually related to freshly released software, and I’m sure WD will fix them in future releases, but in the meantime we need more stable and reliable solutions, so at least a BitTorrent Sync support would be great.
Please, if you’re on the same boat with me, give your support - post your opinion, suggest this as a new feature or just +1 this, so our voice gets heard.