Deleted whole partition of my "My Passport Essential" . and now i can not install any of WD software


 i came to this forum to find a solution but my search didnt come with something useful. 

 Today i deleted whole My Passport Essential. and created two partitions etc. in the oprocess ofocurse, whole softwares that came with the device gone. i found that there is also a firmware update for my device. but it looks like the firmware update, or any other software by WD dont recognize my device.

 i did man ything. put files into device. or run administration. not working. my device is looks like an unkown device to these softwares. i merged two paritions i made. 

 Please help me what to do.

 oh and WD SmartWare Disk Image for Windows, noıt working either. i run from teh device. no go :frowning:

PS: sorry for bad English. not my native language as u can guess.


You should be able to download and install WD SmartWare into your computer system even with no Western Digital Disk Drives connected. I would recommend downloading and installing the 2.x release instead of the Disk Image since it may be outdated.

The firmware update will not detect your unit if it is already using the latest firmware release.