Attempting to intall my new 1Tb. Essential external drive I inadvertantly deleted the installation file which virtually left me with nothing more than a dead screen. Not being a wizard IT operator I felt stranded but eventually found a WD support program to rectify my blunder. Following the many steps thereon I eventually got back “online” and seem to have been successful in restoring everything (hopefully) except the Settings. Despite my best efforts I have failed to restore the settings and submit this request to anyone a bit more competent than me for any help that they can provide to enable me to get my drive working 100%.
Kind of you confuse about what you mean with the " settings" but I’ll give it my best shot.
My Book comes with WD Smartware which you can download and reinstall if you delete the application. Once installed you’ll have full functionality of the backup software and other options. You can also use the drive with Windows Backup or any other backup utility. Or like me, drop the software and manually add files.
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Thank you for your assistnce in answer to my somewhat vague request.
Glad to know it worked. Any Time :smiley:
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