I have been using my WD My Book World Edition External Drive without a problem. It seems that there is a growing problem with deleted files on my PC are not being deleted on the external drive. I am using the included Memeo software (WD Anywhere Backup). I have “verified all backups” and “purge deleted files” a number of times on both of my backup plans. Alas, the files are not being deleted, but new files arebeing added. My 1TB drive is now down to 150GB left.
Can someone give me advice on how to delete the files on the drive without manually going through each of the backup plans?
I have this same issue and would appreciate any/all recommendations. I’ve recently moved a bunch of large files around on my main machine, and the backup hasn’t deleted them from their original locations. So my backup (wd mybook world edition white light 2 Tb) is approaching capacity. I’ve tried the “purge deleted files” and “verify all backup” setting to no avail.
How can I get rid of the deleted files in the backup?
Can I just delete them manually from the backup drive or will that compromise the entire backup?
has anyone figured this out? i am in the same boat.
i have the “purge deleted files” checked, and i’ve also confirmed that all backups are verified. despite this, the files ive deleted on my desktop still show up on my WD drive.
What version of WD Anywhere Backup do you have installed? The latest is 4.50.6554 but I recommend that you verify the backups after enabling “Purge Deleted Files” once again. That will force WD Anywhere Backup to remove anything from the drive that doesn’t exist on your source drive.