After backing up my data onto My Passport external drive a few months ago, I have not had it connected much since very little was changing on the hard drive. Now my hard drive has given a gentle hint ot potential failure and I want to make sure I have what I need on the external.
Should I just plug it in and let the process begin, and the external drive will sense what has changed, or should I just delete everything and start over. Not sure how either of these options would affect the formatting and such on the drive. Thanks for any advice. Should my computer be off when I connect the external drive?
You did not specify which software you are using. If it is SmartWare, is an automatic backup software, it keeps the backup up to date when the drive is plugged back. If the drive is connected by USB the computer does not need to be off to plug the drive back to it.
I do have the SmartWare installed, the light is fast blinking, and the drive is showing less available space as time goes on in My Computer…so I guess it is bringing everything up to date. My next task will be to go in and study the manual intently to figure out how to separate what all has been copied. I am sure if I run into trouble I can help here on the forum.
o I guess it is bringing everything up to date. My next task will be to go in and study the manual intently to figure out how to separate what all has been copied. I am sure if I run into trouble I can help here on the forum.