I’ve set up smartware to backup my drives (1 backup versions). now, when i delete some files from desktop that is backuped on my book that file remains on My Book. but i don’t won’t that. i need those unused old files that i intentially deleted to be deleted to from my book as well. As i understand now i have to do it manually… :(… is there or is it planned to put some option in smartware that would delete “old” files from my book. like clean old files option that will stop My Book from building with my old files.
Hi there, by definition a backup is meant to keep the files safe in case the source is no longer working, so it won’t erase files.
What you want to do (Having the same files on both places while erasing files) is called a _ synchronization _. This means that you’ll need a sync software.
Just to mention some, Dmailer Sync, Memeo Sync and GoodSync will help you for what you want…