I got my player back after de-institutionalization. They reloaded all the files but now the files show up in the albums in alphabetical order not track number order. My player doesn’t show track numbers in the info screen. Is there a way I can edit or put the files in the proper track number order for all the albums. It is driving me crazy that the songs are not playing in the proper order.
Miikerman’s suggestion is a good one !
Try creating 2-digit track numbers for one album on your player. (starting with 01, 02, etc)
This should allow proper ordering of album tracks in “Music mode”.
Let us know your progress !
I’ve got the mp3 tag editor and copied all the files off my mp3 into a thumb drive and then sorted the files by artist album and track number. The songs are now in the proper order. So now what do I copy to my mp3 player to get the songs in the proper order on it? Do I need to delete all the files off the mp3 player? I appreciate all of your help. Thank you and Merry Christmas
You are making excellent progress !! Always best to avoid having confusing duplicates on your player.
I like to test out my Clip Sport experiments using a few albums at a time.
2-digit track numbers should produce your desired play sequence in Music Mode.
The order you sort folders & files in Win Explorer and then copy to your player will be best for Folder Mode.
Let us us know your progress
OK yes this is a big help. But first let me say that after I copied all of the files off of my mp3 player to the usb drive then opened it with the tag editor the songs were not in the right order. So I used the tag editor to sort the songs by artist, album, and song number. After doing this the songs were in the correct order. One of the song errors was that the album had more than one disk and the song in incorrect order didn’t have an album number so the songs off of it were by song number and those were duplicates of another disk, (so I had two #9 songs and #10 songs etc.) which was why the song order was bad. I gave each song that didn’t have an album number an album number so the songs were then in the right order.
Basically I guess my main question is how do I save these changes?
Plus that is a great idea to backup my mp3 player to a separate directory so if something were to go wrong I could go back to the original files.
When I open the files on the usb drive they are not in the correct order but I use the tag editor to sort by artist and album and track number then they are in the right order so I’m guessing that this is when I need to save my work. But I have never edited anything other than using the program to sort the files.
Thanks again and yes this is a good holiday and would be even better if I had my songs in order.
Merry Christmas
Ok this is a big help. The track numbers are actually in the track number column. So for some reason the firmware on the MP3 player is putting the tracks in alphabetical order. So if I go in tag editor and get the tracks for the whole MP3 player in the correct order and save this in the tag editor what do I do with the saved file to get this on the MP3 player?
You have been a great help and sorry I have been so much trouble it’s been some time since I’ve had to work on a computer but it is coming back to me — Slowly!
OK I think I understand what you are trying to say. I’m going to copy all of the corrected songs from my usb drive back onto the MP3 player in the music folder. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks again
Well I don’t know what I have done wrong but I copied all of the songs to the usb then used the tag editor to put them in track order. I saved this then closed everything and then went back and it was in track number order. So I erased everything off the MP3 player and copied the edited songs to the MP3 player. When this was all done and the MP3 player updated believe it or not the songs were still in alphabetical order.
So I still need help. What did I do wrong?
Everyone have a Happy New Year!
Ok no even under Artist and album selection the songs are still in alphabetical order.
When I import the songs off of the MP3 player into tag editor the track numbers are there and are correct so I have never edited them just used the tag editor to arrange them in track number order. But the track numbers were already there so my question is why doesn’t the MP3 player use this info to put them in the correct order.
To me it seems that the MP3 player is set for alphabetical order not track number order. I have had no luck in finding a way to select a way to change this in the MP3 player itself.
Ok, I have found all of the song files that I copied over to the MP3 player under the folder screen then under the internal memory then under music. These song files are all in the correct order and are by track number, so why when I go into the music screen and then under the artist or album screen are they not in track number order.
So now that I’ve found the folder selection I can listen to my songs in the correct order so I appreciate that but am still curious why they are not in the track number order under artist or album.
Thank you for all of your help.
After following all your messages in this topic, I think Miikerman is providing you excellent advice !!!
One suggestion I can add is to make sure each album is identified uniquely in the album field of the ID3 tag.
–> Try to establish each unique album title within the first 14 characters !! (FW 1.36)
(Don’t waste these 14 characters repeating a long artist name at the start of the album field.)
(I use artist initials. Like “ABC-Greatest Hits”)
I like to experiment with my ID3 tags by working on one album at a time while seeking my desired results.
Of course there are likely many persons who will think all this effort should not be necessary ??
For me, this is part of the challenge & satisfying enjoyment using my Clip Sport(s).
I like to use 2-digit track numbers in my ID3 tags like this: 01 02 03
This style does not work for me: 1/12 2/12. Also this does not work for me: 01/12 02/12 etc
And I use ID3v2.3 ISO-8859-1 tag style. I delete all other tag metadata from my MP3 files. (v2.1, Ape, etc)