Hi there
I have a WD 1TB MyBook studio edition external drive connected to my MacBook through aan MBox 2 Pro (audio interface) - I think it is connected with FireWire 400 (MBox doesn’t support FW800). I am using this drive to record music to directly. So connection looks like this:
MacBook > FireWire 6 port hub > MBox 2 pro > WD MyBook
I want to be able to back this drive up and therefore get another drive to do this. Can I connect another drive to the WD MyBook to do this? Can it be any drive, does it have to be FW 400 or can it be either FW 400 or 800 connection? Do I just connect the drive directly to the WD drive?
I would also like to be able to back up my second laptop which is a Mac Book Pro that I use for work on this drive as well. Therefore can I also connect this directly to the drive as well?
Sorry hope this is clear - just want to make sure i get the right drive with the right connections for my needs.