So, I want to clean my PC by reinstalling windows and formatting everything else. I backed up my data with WD Backup. Now, as far as I remember from the time using SmartWare, the software creates a new backup folder unique to the installation of the PC.
Now, this is suboptimal for me, because I will be using the exact same data as on the backup. I want to prevent the situation, where I restore 5 TB of data to my newly installed PC, and then back this same 5TB of data back onto the drive just under a new folder.
So my question is: How can I restore the backup and just continue using the old backup-files on a newly installed PC?
But, this does not really help me, does it? Once I restored the data and again set up WD Backup for those folders, it will probably back up everything again under a new name on the drive?
Let me clarify the problem:
Say, Folder 1 is 5 TB and it is backed up on a WD Disk via WD Backup.
I erase everything on my PC and set up a new Windows 10
I restore the 5 TB from the WD Disk to Folder 1 on the new installation
I set up Folder 1 as to be backed up by WD Backup
WD Backup will copy the whole 5 TB into a new folder on the WD Disc and I end up with 10 TB
→ I want to use the old folder on the WD Disc and simply continue to back up into that folder…
@jeyge1 I use SmartWare to backup my computers so I don’t know much about WD Backup.
When I have restored my backups a couple of times using SmartWare, yes, it installed to a new folder but after I had everything setup I deleted the old backups that went to my older computers that I no longer used. By doing that I regained the space that was used on my WD My Cloud.