Cliking Sound

So I want To Talk about Problems in here, i have WD element 1 TB, in the morning my wd is normal but after sudden shutdown by electrical problem my wd is start to make Cliking Noise, and after that i can’t acces my data like normal, its need time and some time my driver won’t be notice by computer.

That is when noticed but it have problem. when i try to open a fiolder,the wd start to make cliking noise and the folder must be loading for about 2 minutes. So if Somebody have the answer please tell me. i have 2 other wd with same problems

Clicking noise is usually a sign of the drive failure (time to back up your data if you haven’t already as the drive is about to completely fail). Other symptoms seem to point to that. However it would be a bit unusual for three drives to fail at the same time.
Can you be a bit more specific, have you tried using the drives with a different computer and are they all even then exhibiting the same behaviour? How old are the drives? If these are still under warranty, you can have them replaced.

Thanks for the reply,i have 3 drive and not broke in the same time,1st is
wd my passport ultra i has try in 3 pc and 2 laptop same behavior,2nd wd
element same as 1st,and 3rd is seagate same as 1st,the eror is start after
unexcept suthdown,and when i can acces my drive its hard to copy file for
