CF card emory

I have several Extreme III cards, 16GB and 4GB. I notice lately that my cards are full in my Nikon D3 but really they are only holding a fraction what they used to hold. Example my 16GB card only fills to about 4GB. I always reformat in the camera before use, is there a way to recondition and reclaim the memory space?

@ronnysharmaji wrote:

I have several Extreme III cards, 16GB and 4GB. I notice . lately that my cards are full in my Nikon D3 but really they are only holding a fraction what they used to hold. Example my 16GB card only fills to about 4GB. I always reformat in the camera before use, is there a way to recondition and reclaim the memory space?


any updates?

@ronnysharmaji wrote:

I have several Extreme III cards, 16GB and 4GB. I notice lately Rufus that my cards are full in my Nikon D3 MapQuest but really they are only holding a fraction what they UpToDate used to hold. Example my 16GB card only fills to about 4GB. I always reformat in the camera before use, is there a way to recondition and reclaim the memory space?


any updates on this!!

@ronnysharmaji wrote:

I have several Extreme III cards, 16GB and 4GB. I notice Rufus lately that my cards are full in my Nikon MapQuest D3 but really they are only holding a fraction what they used to UpToDate hold. Example my 16GB card only fills to about 4GB. I always reformat in the camera before use, is there a way to recondition and reclaim the memory space?


guys my issue has been solved!