Cant read cruzer files on 2nd computer

Cruzer works fine on my laptop. On my desktop pc it takes a long time to register. The real problem is my desktop pc cant read any cruzer files. Tried everything on Device manager, uninstall, scan for new changes, nothing works. Said somewhere it cant read file system. Both computers were professionally installed with windows 7 and system requirements are met. URGENT! Please help.

Something is running on the desktop pc that is not running on the laptop and is interfereing with the Cruzer.  Stop the app and retry the Cruzer.  Kies is the most common app reported here but there are reports of others also.

this is unbelievable ! I just spent 2 hrs figuring out why win 7 wont show files in cruzer pop, then just saw this post. Killed Kies from taskmanager and there you go ! it started working !

Thanks. Yes, if you have a Samsung computer and Kies, your Cruzer is not going to be red. Go to msconfig as told and restart PC. That is what i had to solve as you recomended. My problem is solved and the red icon appears. Full contends appear now!!