Cant access my passport 0730

when i plugged in my passport 0730 to my laptop, it didnt show on windows explorer, but when i checked on devices & printers, it listed there…then i clicked browse files, and it shows local disc E. when i click on it, nothing there. it says location is not available.

can someone tell me what’s going on here? i never dropped my passport 0730, but this problem occurs about 1 year after i bought my passport 0730.

i tried to format my passport 0730, but i cant coz it says it is unaccsessable…

please help me…

Hi, try using another USB cable or connecting the Passport to another PC to see if the problem happens again. You can also try testing the Passport using DLG. Follow the link below for the steps.

How to test a drive for problems using Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows 

i’d already  try using another USB cable or connecting the Passport to another PC, but the problem still happens again…but i’ll try testing the Passport using DLG…thanx for your respon :smiley: