Cannot retrieve files

I connected my WD My Passport 3.0 to my PC last night and much to my chagrin, I cannot retrieve files off of it. It doesn’t matter if I go through SmartWare or the .swtsor folder on the dirve itself. I still receive the same message, along the lines of, the files cannot be found on this drive, please check again.

Please help. I can access the files on the drive and they work just fine but they can’t be retrieved. 


If you go to the “WDSmartware.Stor” folder inside the external drive you should be able to copy or move this files to the computer.

What happens or what error do you get when you try to do this?

I found out what the problem is. The LED light to indicate the drive has power, keeps failing. When I plug it in to the USB port, it flickers for a bit, becomes solid, flickers again, then goes out completely. This all happens within 10 minutes, I’d say.

Does this mean my drive needs to be repaired?