I have a 1TB WD Elelmets drive. It has my iPhoto and iTunes data on it, but it is formatted int he existing file system. Can I also use it for Time Machine by partitioning without losing the other stuff? The Disc Utility warns me I will erase all data if I partition.
You don’t need to partition it to use with a Mac. Just download and install NTFS-3G http://mac-free.com/download/NTFS-3G.html Then the Mac will be able to use the drive as is. If you still want to partition http://community.wdc.com/t5/My-Book-for-PC/3TB-Essential-Win-7-32-bit-System-Backup-Failing/m-p/126100/highlight/false#M4597 I’m not sure about the partitioning for both Windows and Mac.
So, I download it to the Mac, then how does it reformat or whatever it does to let me use the WD?
It doesn’t format anything. It allows Mac to read and write to the Windows formatted drive. Then both Windows and Mac can use the same drive.