my first time online. I have had a few problems over a protracted period with wd passport access. the latest after reinstalling the OS on vista basics service pack 2 is parse error code "
XmlParser::ParseUrl:Error processing file: C:\Program Files\Western Digital\WD SmartWare\WD Drive Manager\Locale\en_US.lproj\localizable.strings". hard drive worked for 1 day only after OS reinstall then displayed this error. the us.iproj issue was also an issue prior to the reinstallation. I am all but computer illiterate so any help offered and gratefully received would be appreciated in ■■■■■ version language and instruction. Thanks
This sound like an issue with WD SmartWare, if you do not use you can uninstall it. If you want to use SmartWare you can then download and install the latest update.
Thank you for your reply. It is a smartware issues as my system reports that it has stopped working and cannot now use my harddrive however I have in the past uninstalled and then reinstalled and the same error keeps appearing. Have reported issue to microsoft solution centre and searched their forum for help with parse errors with no luck. I believe parse errors are to do with the string but that’s all I know so clueless from thereon in. any advice gratefully received