By-passing entering my password everytime my pc re-starts

I live alone. Security is not an issue for me. I use my external hard drive, basically  for  backing up all music and photo files. Every time I have to re-start my PC, I have to re-enter my password. Is there a way of bypassing this setting so I won’t have to re-enter my password, everytime? Please advise.

Thank you! 

Permanently disable the password under settings> drive settings (setup drive> security.

ILUVSF wrote:

I live alone. Security is not an issue for me. I use my external hard drive, basically  for  backing up all music and photo files. Every time I have to re-start my PC, I have to re-enter my password. Is there a way of bypassing this setting so I won’t have to re-enter my password, everytime? Please advise.

Thank you! 

Were you talking the password for a SmartWare drive, or for your PC?