I’d like the option to be able to browse my e200’s music collection by folder/filename rather than using the ID3 tags at times. Since my filenames tend to be long-winded I’d want the display to show the filename using 3 lines of text rather than scrolling. My filenames are typically of the form: Artist - Album - Title.mp3. The Left and Right buttons would navigate up and down through the folder hierarchy and the Up and Down buttons would navigate up and down within the current folder.
That’d be nice!
@themarkster wrote:
I’d like the option to be able to browse my e200’s music collection by folder/filename rather than using the ID3 tags at times. Since my filenames tend to be long-winded I’d want the display to show the filename using 3 lines of text rather than scrolling. My filenames are typically of the form: Artist - Album - Title.mp3. The Left and Right buttons would navigate up and down through the folder hierarchy and the Up and Down buttons would navigate up and down within the current folder.
What your doing kinda defeats itself. Since your filename has artist album and title, three things that are in the ID3 tag of the Mp3, you can just use the search feature of the e200 to list your music by artist, album, or title.