The problem is, I have WD-Home external hard disk with WDH1CS10000 model number and serial number.
I’ve been using this hard disk without any problem since I bought it 2 OR 3 yrs ago. Strangely, 2 days ago when I turn on my computer I could not reach the unit at all.
Since then, when I power on the hard disk, the front lights only blink nearly per second and my computer never detect it even in disc management system.
I tried to connect it to another computer, with e-sata or usb cable and still not connected.
What’s so weird is that, I registered this website today to complain about the problem and I see that, the end of warranty time is exactly the same day as the problem occured : 23th june 2012
What kind of situation is this? Is it really BIG BIG BIG coincidence that after all years without any problems, the hard disk go blind in the same day as warranty finished?
Is there anything I can do to revive the hard disk again and use it? Its full loaded 1 terrabyte with my all file archive and it would be a disaster if I can’t reach the hard drive…
I hope you respond as quick as possible
Best Wishes.
Dr.Oguzhan YILMAZ
To Summarize the situation in Turkish…
Yukarıda bahsedilen model no ve ürün, tam olarak ürünün garantisinin bittiği 2 gün önce çalışmamaya başladı. Cihazı devreye soktuğumda ön paneldeki ışıklar saniyede bir yanıp sönüyor. Asla bilgisayarda hard diski tanıtamıyorum. Disk yönetiminde de partisyon görünmüyor.