In the course of several discussions with the support people (About activation :(( ) I was told that the software can ONLY backup ONE SOURCE drive to ONE Target drive ie your C:drive to a MyBook. Now, I don’t know about anyone else but It LOOKS LIKE it can backup multiple source drives to multiple target drives. Consider how you define backup plans. I have read the manual very carefully and it does not actually explicitly say that this is true. BUT it does not say that its is false either. Unless of course I missed a bit.
So. If I have three internal drives (C: D: E:) and three external drives (Z: Y: X:) It seems that I can ONLY back up say C: → Z: If I want to backup D: X: I have to manually stop the first plan and start the second. If your first plan is a ‘continious’ backup then its compromised is it not?
Have I got this wrong? Does it back up multiple sources to multiple targets or not?