Backup Scheduling aqnd Verification

I posted the following in another thread under “My Passport for PC” and there it sat for over three weeks without a reply.   I hope someone sees this now and can shed some light on these - for me - perplexing questions:

I called WD Tech Support and got most of the problems ironed out.   However, there are still two: (1)  I have not been able to locate the dialog box or window that allows the user to change the day and time to schedule the auto-backup.   I have clicked and double-clicked every possibility in the WD Smartware software but without any luck.   (2)  Is there anyway to determine if it has backed up other than the rapidly blinking LED light on the Passport device?   My old Seagate Maxtor had a running daily log you could go to to verify that the backup had taken place.   Does the Passport have something similar to that and perhaps I just haven’t seen it?


WD Smartware continuously run in the background, unfortunately, it does no performe scheduled backup. The current status of the backup can be viewed on the Backup tab.

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“The current status of the backup can be viewed on the Backup tab.”

Thank you for the above, Mr. Montana.   I did as you suggested but all the Bankup Tab tells me is “Backup Accomplished Successfully.”   No date is given.    The System, File and Size numbers in the two vertical bars are exactly the same as they were when it first backed up three weeks ago.   Since it backs up daily at 7 P.M. (EDT), these numbers should change a bit or there should be some other indication that the daily backup occurred.   Does this sound reasonable?