Backup partitioned drive

I have recently purchased a 1Tb My Passport Essential SE, to use with a notebook which has a partitioned drive.  I have found that Smart Drive will only backup one drive at a time.  What I don’t know is whether a file that I save into either the C Drive or the D Drive on the net back is automatically backing up that file to the appropriate backup on the external hard drive.

The question is - Does Smart Drive automatically backup data saved on computer partitions to the appropriate position on the external drive

Hi there, I called WD on the past over the same question and Smartware does store the data in the correct volume folder, hance, a folder for “C”, “D”, “E”, etc.

However, the backup stops per volume, that means that while the “C” drive is selected on home, then the backups for “D”, “E”, etc. are not being updated, only the “C”.

But yes, it puts the files were they belong.

I hope it helps =D