So new that I may have posted this in the wrong category…sorry!
I came into a hard drive failure screen and managed to revive the PC. When I checked My Passport, it said it was backing up files as they were updated but I wanted to do a more full backup. I changed from category to folder/files, made my selections and set a schedule to start about 45 minutes ago.
I clicked on the clock button next to the schedule set button and it indicated the last update was 2015. Yikes! I selected Backup Now about an hour ago and I can’t tell if it’s doing anything. There hasn’t been any changes on the screen and none of the buttons or tabs are enabled, including the minimize or close buttons.
Is it collecting the items I want to backup or did it freeze up? How can I tell? Hate to force it closed if it’s doing something, hate to sit here twiddling my thumbs waiting for it to complete if it’s frozen.
I’m have My Passport with WD Smartware.
I did exit the Smartware window. Now I can’t open it back up.
I started the backup around 11:15 pm EST and still unable to open Smartware at 8:30 am. PC hard drive showed just over 230 G used but only had the recovery and user folders included. My Passport showed about 70 G in the previous backup plus the token default files. I’m sure there are many photo files that need to be added. And Outlook needs a purge but didn’t feel the luxury of time to do that after the hard drive failure.
Just no progress indicator to know if it’s really doing anything. Task manager shows WD components getting a little CPU but nothing significant.
Let me know what else I should look for/at.