Backup files and GB frozen?

I’m not sure if anyone else has had this problem at all, but has anyone here had a problem where your drive will backup, but then the number of GB is it backing up and also the number of files will not change after a certain time?

My backup has been running now for about 2 hours and it got to around 50GB in and while it still says the backup is running, nothing seems to be changing number wise of neither the GB or files.

I had the same problem the other day, where it got to around 50GB as well and it ‘froze’ while still claiming it was backing up.

It runs smoothly up until this point which I don’t understand.

I tried yet again yesterday (after the first attempt where I just disabled the scan as it got to about 4am) and it actually got past the 50GB mark, but we had a powercut which was pretty annoying.

But has anyone else had this type of problem?

I have messages support and they got me to run some scans to check whether the drive itself had any faults and everything passed so I’m not sure what is up with it, as it managed to back up nearly 50GB in around 30 minutes, but now has been stuck on that for 2 hours.

If it helps I have a My Passport Ultra. I only bought it a few days ago as well so I assumed everything would be okay with it.

Thank you.

Hi and welcome to the WD community.

Have you tried switching the Smartware software to a file backup instead of a category backup to see if the same happens? Also try to see if when the backup reaches the stall point if there is a message stating certain files did not backup.