Backing up files question


  1. I back up all my computer files using the WD software.

  2. I delete files from my computer and do another backup.

  3. Are those deleted files still in the back up (since they were part of the first backup), or are they deleted from the second backup because I deleted them from my computer?



Once a file has been backed up it will not be deleted if you delete it from your computer. However, I feel obligated to let you know that if you have the files only on your external drive then it is not a backup. If this drive fails then you will loose your data.

Remember that a backup is not a backup if it is not in more than one place.

Ok, thank you.

When I perform backups, how do I only back up what’s on my computer at that time and not keep old files on the external drive which are no longer on my computer?

Is it possible to delete the entire backup on the external drive and start fresh?