For quite a while now; autoplay has not been working for my wd passport essential.
The autoplay window will not appear !!
I’m using windows vista.
Please Help ?
*Autoplay for the drive does work on my alternate laptop though but not on this particular one. My registry settings and autoplay settings are configered correctly - so what is the problem ?*
Yes I saw that, although, what I’m trying to imply is that this is a feature on the computer, so unless you change settings it should work. The drive is just the drive and as long the computer shows the drive that means that it’s working. Autoplay is part of your OS and should work fine unless you have some other issues. Where you able to get more info on the link I provided?
Well if this is the case the only auto play settings that need to be changed are the ones for the ext hdd. Right click on the drive and check the settings there and enable whatever you want the drive to do when connected to the computer.
No go. My value was set on 91 and I even tried setting it as 0. Still not working. This leads me to believe that another program on my laptop is stopping autoplay from working.
I have nero 10 installed but it is also installed on my other pc where autoplay for the drive works.
Any other ideas of possible conflicting programs etc ?