Automated backups never happen

Hi - this is liable to be a vague question, because my IT know-how is super sketchy, and I’ve been suppressing memory of this problem since I gave up all hope to solve it some months back. In overview, my device is useless as intended, because the backups I schedule to happen overnight, don’t happen. Often when I turn on the computer it’s attached to, every WD app I look at says the drive can’t be found. Typically, when I click to start a WD app, a standard Windows security query pops up to ask if I want to allow the app to make changes to my computer. Granted, I don’t know anything, but this suggests to me that the OS does not trust the app enough to let it wake the computer from sleep and execute operations. This is my PC, I’m the only person who uses it, and I log in using my user account, which I’ve tried to privilege…a lot…even though FWIW on my mouse context menu I do still see the option to Run as Administrator (as if I weren’t one all the time). I don’t remember how I ran the installation software or what privileges my user account had at the time. Does this sound like something with an obvious fix, or would anybody be willing to help me trouble shoot it? I’d appreciate it!

BTW it’s a 2TB My Passport Ultra Portable External WDBBKD0020BBK

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I’m having the same issue with a 4 TB My Passport. I have it scheduled to backup my Windows 10 PC every night at 1 am and it has not performed any automatic backups. I would appreciate any help or suggestions. I too know only enough to be dangerous when it comes to computers. Please help!

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I am also having the same problem. I have even uninstalled and reinstalled it and even when I tell it to back up it says “Preparing Backup” then when that disappears it does nothing else. Please help. As it worked really well when I had my last computer and I got all my backups transferred to my new one.
I run Windows 10.