Audio Files Question


I just bought “My Book Essential 3.0”. I use Nuendo recording software to record. engineer, produce and mix songs and am backing up the Recording Drive where I store all my Nuendo songs and file folders, files with all the edits, plug-ins etc…

Anyway, My Book Essential recognized 57 Gb of the 59 Gb from the hard disk, but I have no idea what files it didn’t recognize and why not.

I want to be able to store all my old songs on “MY Book Essential 3.0”, and then pull them back into my PC recording drive when necessary to play the songs with all the files. However, if  there’s a critical file not recognized in every song, and I can’t get back each song as it appeared on my recording drive, I’ve got a problem.

Anybody have any experience with this?

I’m going to compare file folders of a song in both places after the backup, but I thought I’d check here first to see if anybody has any experience with this.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


Hi there!!

The software that comes with that drive (Smartware) is rather basic and copies most of the common files found on a computer, not all of them. if I were you I’d either make manual copies (Copy & paste) or use a mirror backup software able to copy the computer or the specific folders you would like to backup.

Hope it helps!

Something else Never trust just one drive internal or external with important data no matter who makes it.


I honestly think Smartware is not your choice of backup software. Smartware smartly select what file types you need to backup. Some file types are ignored and won’t be included in the backup set.

Microsoft SyncToy is the best suited freeware you need to backup and keep them in-sync without any lose ends.

Smartware will not perform System backup as well.

Even if you backup My Documents folder with pix, music and video using Smartware, in an event of system crash or new PC restore wouldn’t work properly. (Profile mismatch)

Elegant advertising is not always true in real life.

I’m not complaining but I’ve seen like 35 posts from Mabkay talking about ‘‘SyncToy’’ . Do you work for Microsoft or something? Or Do they give you some money to be advertising that software? hahaha I’m just asking :)…

Welcome back…!

I am not working for any company or getting money from any company for what I write here. Besides SyncToy is free…and free from undue troubles… It allows you to backup what you want, when you want… if you don’t know that. Most of all, it is not SMART!

About 35 post… It is nearly 10% of posts I made here for last 30 days… and I’ve got 60 Kudos from this community and ranking at 02nd position today. And you just waste your/my time and harassing on someone who trying helping others.

If you look in to own Kudos ranking, you’re at 84th position and proudly owns 05 kudos for last 30 days.

Sounds like you’re part of *Smart* development team he, he, he… :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: