Anyone had experience with G-SPEED & Macdrive?

Hello, I’m moving my 64Tb G-SPEED STUDIO XL Thunderbolt 2 from my Mac to Windows. I’m wondering if anyone can recommend a pathway for this?

I see 2 options:

  1. Install Macdrive 10 on the windows 10 machine. But I have heard that the RAID needs to have been formatted by Apple’s Disk Utility to do this and if the RAID was factory formatted by G-Technology it won’t work. Anyone experienced this?

  2. Copy off all the data, reformat the drive to ExFAT, copy back over the data. Involves purchase of 10Tb drive so I’m looking for a cheaper alternative and was hoping macdrive was it.

Thank you in advance for sharing your relevant experience or expertise :slight_smile:

  1. You can do this if you want to leave it Mac Formatted but that isn’t a requirement. Also the RAID is not created by the Disk Utility it is handled by the RAID controller and our software on the device itself. The Format is handled by whichever OS you format it on.

  2. exFAT is nice because it makes it universal, Mac drive 10 will cost you I believe $50.

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