Any way to recover MBR after using hdd internally?

Hey everyone,

owner of an older Mybook 1140 2TB here.

in short: My HDD wouldn’t turn on in its case anymore so I removed it from the case and tried to use it internally. As many previous posts on this forum have already stated my windows 10 also asked me if I wanted to use GPT or MBR to which I clicked MBR but I did NOT format the drive.

Surely enough I couldn’t access any files. After a bit of searching I found out about the hardware encryption taking place. Bridge connected back to the HDD and trying to use it externally again I still cannot access my files and the drive is shown as RAW in the partition manager. TestDisk shows it as FAT16.

I have tried following GitHub - themaddoctor/linux-mybook-tools: tools for opening some encrypted WD My Book drives in linux but since I still have my original bridge and the guide assumes that the reader doesn’t I refrained from trying that method further.

Is there any hope of restoring the partition table without losing data so I can access it again with the original sata-usb bridge still in place? Or will I have to remove the bridge and follow the previously mentioned guide to decrypt the hdd and save my files somewhere else?

Really hope someone can help me out.

Thank you