Any improvement for Video Conversion Yet? and Video4fuze mencoder.exe error

I have three Sansa Fuze in my household.  My 2 kids that are mostly happy but would like to a few videos.  Dvds are ridiculously difficult to convert and the SMC ■■■■■.  I haven’t tried to convert any videos in 6-8 months and wondered if there is a good fix for this video conversion problem in the last few months.  Please let me know if there is something that is worth the time.   Thanks

Ok, sorry for the post without at good look around I tried video4fuze .6 but as soon as I start to convert it, mencoder.exe says 3dNow supported but disabled, 3dNowExt supported but disabled.  Then mencoder.exe encounters an error.  

I am not sure where to start to fix this error

Message Edited by jodajen2 on 07-13-2010 11:30 PM

jodajen2 wrote:


Ok, sorry for the post without at good look around I tried video4fuze .6 but as soon as I start to convert it, mencoder.exe says 3dNow supported but disabled, 3dNowExt supported but disabled.  Then mencoder.exe encounters an error.  


I am not sure where to start to fix this error

Message Edited by jodajen2 on 07-13-2010 11:30 PM

Probably the best place to start would be the [v0.6] video4fuze thread. You might be running into the same problem as this poster.

3dnow is a chip extention. I suspect if you look into the mencoder documentation you could indeed find the switch to turn it on (talk about a nice app but this is really vanilla. 3dNow has been around for a long time.) video4fuze 0.6+ has become my friend because for some reason the media converter just doesn’t play well with me system. windows 7 64-bit, and it never played well with my vista 64-bit either. I think this is an out and out 64-bit problem to be honest, otherwise why so little backchatter? Anyway, the trick to getting video4fuze to work on my fuze (not fuze+) is to go to Preferences and select the default and then click Two Passes. Takes double the time but so far not a single bad encode.

For those who want to increase speed on an app, you can always increase the priority of a process, but I’ll leave the details of that up to the reader to find on MSDN. Keep on climbing from Normal until your system starts to slow down a lot and then select the next highest Process priority. On a very large batch job it can cut hours in _general_ on most apps, but video4fuze is not a very integrated program (more like a string of different programs) so mencoder and ffmpeg may not be affected anyway, but Media Converter is.

Cheers to whoever made video4fuze, you’ve breathed life into my vanilla fuze.