Hi, looking for software that will password protect USB external drives, including WD ones.
I’ve read about issues with WD Smartware, I’d prefer something from a 3rd party that works with all drives when they are unplugged and reconnected to the same computer or a different one.
Please let me know if you have a recommendation…
Any password protection softwareshould work with the drive, however, Western Digital always recommend Smartware over third party software.
Thanks, I had googled for solutions. Does WD Smartware only work on WD hard drives? Or can it work with other manufacturers of external drives?
WD’s password-equipped drives do the encryption at the hardware level.
The data stored on the drive is encrypted whether you set a password or not. If you take the drive out of the enclosure and attach it as a normal SATA drive, the data still can’t be read. Smartware and the Unlocker application are used to lock/unlock the encrypted drive (as well as Smartware being a (limited) backup program).
So no, you can’t use Smartware to protect other drives.