My drive is only 3 weeks old and the drives USB cable plugged into my wireless router. During a backup that failed while in progress I then discovered all files on this drive have been deleted including the WD software that came on the drive! What gives??
All the folders are still there but are empty. I can create a new folder but can’t delete any of them. After being prompted to delete the folder, the folder remains in place with no error messages. I tried to reformat this drive but there are no options to do so.
Not sure what to do now other than try to return it and maybe go with another brand as I certainly can’t trust it anymore.
Any suggestions? Also, why has there always been a red X on the drive letter for this drive.?
Follow-up on my lost files. Called tech support and was told never to plug these externals into a wireless router unless it’s a WD router which has been tested. Was told I should get the My Book Live which is compatable with wireless routers but I see a lot of complaints about them. I formatted my drivet using WD software and now it’s no longer detected via the router. Will return my drive.
My drive is only 3 weeks old and the drives USB cable plugged into my wireless router. During a backup that failed while in progress I then discovered all files on this drive have been deleted including the WD software that came on the drive! What gives??
All the folders are still there but are empty. I can create a new folder but can’t delete any of them. After being prompted to delete the folder, the folder remains in place with no error messages. I tried to reformat this drive but there are no options to do so.
Not sure what to do now other than try to return it and maybe go with another brand as I certainly can’t trust it anymore.
Any suggestions? Also, why has there always been a red X on the drive letter for this drive.?
Could have been formatted or corrupted by the router
what do you mean there are no options to format?
The drive needs to be formatted on the file system supported by the router
Depending how much writing and what areas were overwritten, it may be possible to recover these files. Depends how much time you want to spend working with this.