the interface in the user manual (image 1) is different from the one i get (2nd image). Cant find the options of selecting type of connection.
Why i am worried about this is because perhaps this solves my problem of only people with password getting access to hard drive rather than everyone on the network
Model no. wdbdaf0020bbk-pesn
Yes, the user guide needs an update. Nevertheless, your screen save of the Wi-Fi setting in the dashboard shows your MPW is connected to the network Shangri-La. Once your MPW is connected to a network, you (and others) need to connect your devices to that network, and not the direct connect to MyPassport wifi signal anymore.
Here is a screen save of my MPW connected to my home network: Notice that my screen shows no connected devices (because my MPW is on the home network wi-fi, and so is my PC), whereas you appear to still be on the MyPassport signal. By being connected to my home network signal, now I, and anyone else with access to my home network wi-fi can connect to the MPW. So fix that ,and all should be OK. Just connect your PC and mobile devices to Sharangri-La and open My Cloud app. You also can get on the dashboard this way, too, by using Safari browser on an iPad… If you are using Android, then use an Android browser.
Thanks for the reply. Connecting devices to home network to access MPW means that everyone connected to the network gets access. In my case this is a wifi network for the entire residential compound i.e. aroudn 250 houses. This access is to the root folder of the drive which is publicly available then.
The solution seemed to be in the manual which suggested that we select it as hotspot rather than home network so that only people with passwords can access the hard disk. however that is now not available.
Is there any other way to secure the drive on the wifi network. Where we can access drive only after authorization.
Yep, your network is definitely a hotspot and not a home network. Even though you are connecting to a hotspot and not a home network, the setup is basically the same since they are both wi-fi, and why the setup is simpler than the non-updated user guide show. It has been a while since I set things up, but I believe when I set to my network, I was asked somewhere along the way if it was a home or hotspot. And, you do need a password for your MPW (and users); especially using a hotspot, so why can’t you see this is available? I remember when I set up my wife to use the MPW while it was already on our network, she had to put in the password. Now, we just get on since the MPW password entry was a one-shot deal.
Hopefully another user who has used hotspots can chime in to help.
there is no option in the interface to select a wifi network as hotspot or a home network. as soon as I connect to the public wifi network, the entire drive becomes available to everyone on the network
farrukh.aziz wrote:
Is there any other way to secure the drive on the wifi network. Where we can access drive only after authorization.
It’s as easy as unobvious. The setting you are looking for is set for each network separately, not for the disc generally.
Just click on your network name:
A dialog will open. Uncheck the option “Share content on this network” (if checked) and press “OK” button:
That’s all!
Inform us, please, if you have solved your problem.
yes, this is clear. however when I need to connect to hard drive through the wifi network but dont want all others to be able to do the same , there is no option for that. If I uncheck this option, the content is then not available to even my own devices. The only way to securely use the hard drive right now is to connect to the Mypassport wireless and not the residence wifi