Hi there,
Acronis keeps informing me that I must have at least one Western Digital device installed, despite the fact that I have 3. The drives installed are one WD6400AAKS drive, one WD10EZEX drive and one WD2500JS drive.
The only other storage device in the machine is a Samsung SSD, on which Windows is installed.
Is my problem being caused by the use of a non-WD boot drive? If not, any other ideas? If so, are there any known solutions to this issue?
EDIT: I have some other WD drives in a different computer. Would temporarily moving them over fix the problem? The drives are one WD10EALS, and one WD2002FAEX
I also have a WD5000AAKS but it may or may not be failing, recent attempts to boot from it have been very unsuccessful. I was hoping to use Acronis to rescue data from it.