This is the second time in two weeks that there has been a problem (the first being that it would only back up roughly half of my data). Now it just won’t power upwhen connected to my iMac (OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.5) at all. I tried disconneting the USB cable from the computer and the external drive, as well as the disconnecting the power cable from the unit and then rebooting my iMac, and still no joy. I have a Macbook but cannot try to hook it up to that yet because my wife has the laptop and she’s traveling with it at the moment. Given that I live in Hong Kong, and would therefore have to ship the thing back to the states for repair or replacement, I’m hesitant to eat the shipping costs if it’s not necessary. Any ideas on how I can see what the problem with this thing it? While I’m at it, here’s a longshot question- does anyone know where I might get a replacement power cord for this thing in Hong Kong? Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.