i’ve just bought another my book studio, for my imac, the first one is 1.5Tb and newest is 2Tb. since imac only has 1FW 800 input i cannot plug in simultaneously two drives.
i’ve read in some article, that 2nd firewire connection on my book studio can be plugged with another device which has firewire connection.
is it true?
if it’s true, how about transfer speed connection?
Firewire devices can be chained up, so there is no problem connecting them in a row. As far as I know you can even connect through FW400 your first device and then continue connection others at the MyBook via FW800.
Regarding the speed: Even chained devices are superior compared to USB. There is no influence to be seen if more devices are connected to one link, but keep in mind the bus itself will always transmit 800 MBit s-1 maximum (FW800), e.g. each device my deliver this speed on it own, but simultanious usage means shared bandwidth. The same applies more or less to everything else in real world