I can open my Passport, but no files or folders are showing. If I open the properties, it shows that over 200GB are used.
Does anyone know how to fix this without formatting and losing all my data?
I can open my Passport, but no files or folders are showing. If I open the properties, it shows that over 200GB are used.
Does anyone know how to fix this without formatting and losing all my data?
What OS are you usig and did you use backup software? The enabling show hidden files and see if that helps.
The drive was formatted with allocated space for xbox360, that’s the only file that shows as hidden
Need some more info. Was the drive working on Xbox before or is this the first time using it there? How did you format the drive FAT32 or NTFS? What size is the Pasport?
It’s a 1TB My Passport, FAT32 format.
It was formatted on an Xbox, it’s been working fine for the last 8 months, we turned it on the other day, and didn’t have any video files on it.
Plugged the drive into my laptop, it shows the space being used on the drive, but won’t show the files, using Windows 8 on my laptop, and the xbox is up to date
It sounds like the drive may be corrupt. TestDisk http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk sometimes fixes corrupt drives. EaseUS has this http://www.easeus.com/datarecoverywizard/free-data-recovery-software.htm and Recuva is free http://www.piriform.com/recuva I don’t know how many of these work on Windows 8. These have helped people recover data in the past. Also look in Windows Disk Management and see if the drive shows as Raw or anything else abnormal. If it is Raw there might be a last ditch thing to try.
I ran EaseUS, it ran for over 12hrs and was no where near done, Testdisk didn’t run on Windows 8.
I’m just going to cut my losses and reformat.
Thanks for the help Joe.