1. Just purchase this My Book Essential USB 3.0. Attempted to register it here on WD Site, but after input register info several times, product not listed. I suppose I’ll try again tomorrow.
2. Search for info, but failed to find…I would like to know if I can do this and it will work: partition the 2TB into one 1.5TB drive and 1 0.5TB drive, then load WD backup software on the 1.5TB drive and use the 0.5 TB drive for other functions.
3. Will the Acronis Disk Director work as the partitioning software?
Thanks to all who take the time to read and especially respond to my inquiry.
You can create as many partitions you desire on the drive.
As for the software to partition, you can use Windows Disk Management or any other third party application you will like to use.
The backup is done to an specific folder so it will not interfere with any other files that you might have on the drive.
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Thank you John012. I understand that both of the WD Software backup applications that came with the drive will function on any partition I load them on and that is very good news.
I consider using a partitioning apt other than resident windows disk management because I will lose the applications that came with the My Book. If I use the other appllication it will keep those files containing the WD application in tact while creating other partitions.
thank you for your swift help.