Will not play Rhapsody channels

The latest Rhapsody has moved a few of the powerful tools around a bit, these used to be hidden in the Rhapsody client folders.  I have had the earlier versions go wonky on occasion, and used the DRM cleaning utilities a few times when things really got tough.

If the folder structure of the Sansa gets corrupted, the Rhapsody Channels can even disappear completely from the device.

In this case, the device can be restored from scratch as well.

With the Fuze+, the platform is a little different.  Glad you used the nuclear option and set up from scratch, as it appeared a little bizarre.  It looked like something had gone wrong on the client side.

In the future, if you notice “channel not on device” messages from the Rhapsody client, when doing an update, or Channels sizes of “zero”, don’t worry, it’s a glitch in the client only.  On the Fuze, your Channels may indeed be intact.  The proof is upon disconnect.

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue: