Get Audiobook from CD's to Fuze

Thanks for the info!  I don’t know if Murdock (A-Team) has gotten involved here, but…

When I ripped disc one, the file names read as follows 03-01, 03-02, 03-03, 03-04, 03-05, 03-06, 03-07, 03-08, 15-09, 15-10.  The tracks on disc 2 make sense: 02-01, 02-02, 02-03, …  Whay would the files on disc 1 look different.  Also, will that affect the Fuze playing themin order.

Also, the title for disc one just reads Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, while the title for disc 2 reads Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Disc 2.  Should the discs be numbered Disc 01, Disc 02, etc. like the file names.

A rip, rip, ripping I go!