Audio book tracks in wrong order

I’ve got the same problem. It simply won’t play the tracks in the correct order it seems to make it’s own mind up as to what order it will play them.

I’ve numbered all the tracks 01-12 with ID3 tags… check

I’vve numbered all the filenames beginning with 01 - 12… check

I’ve used trailing 0’s (zero’s) in all the filenames and ID tags… check.

I’m using the latest player firmware as updated by the updater software on my PC… check.

Still doesn’t work. It will only let me choose the first 2 track or the last two track, if I attempt to scroll down it simply ignore me, untill eventually it takes you direct to the last 2 tracks. Nothing else inbetween is selectable.

It got around it by copying all the tracks to the MUSIC folder and then everything plays fine and in the correct order, no trouble. It just won’t play in the Audiobooks folder.

Software glitch I reckon.